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Erika Wicky: La portraitomanie: Intermediality and the Portrait in 19th-Century France
Psyché et Narcisse, portraits et miroirs
From painting, photography, caricature, and sculpture to novels, essays, literary criticism, and historical writing, nineteenth-century France has aptly been described as the “siècle des portraits” (Dufour, 1997). This issue examines the nineteenth-century portrait with an emphasis on transmediality (how the portrait genre traveled from one medium to another), as well as on intermediality (whereby portraits originating in different media were brought together in the same works). Contributors explore the portrait as part of a wider evolution of textual and visual media as well as cultural history in France, while also revealing the extent to which intermediality is (re)invented in the nineteenth century.
Érika Wicky and Kathrin Yacavone
Introduction: Portraitomanie and Intermediality in 19th-Century France
Martial Guédron
Figures de l'altérité au XIXe siècle : Portraits, caractères, expressions
Manuel Charpy
Souvenirs perpétuels : Une histoire matérielle du portrait au XIXe siècle
Michael D. Garval
Emulating Vatel: Portraitomanie, Celebrity, and Culinary Intermediality, 1880-1914
Edward Nye
Portraits of Deburau in Janin's Deburau, l'histoire du théâtre à quatre sous
Adeline Wrona
Le gouvernement des portraits : Autour d'Émile de Girardin
Elizabeth Emery
"Un déjeuner avec M. Maeterlinck": Intermedial Experimentation in Adolphe Brisson's Portraits intimes
Kathrin Yacavone
George Sand and Nadar: Portraiture Between Lithography, Sculpture, and Photography
Julien Zanetta
« Les photographies et les biographies » : Barbey d'Aurevilly et « la démocratie du portrait »
Érika Wicky
Psyché et Narcisse, portraits et miroirs
- SourcesPublié dans L'Esprit Créateur, Vol.59, n°1, Spring 2019