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Short stay


Law - United Kingdom

Research topics


Queer Subjects of Capital: Corporations and legal subjectivity in the colonial encounter

This project will examine the creation and governance of gendered, racialized and sexualised subjects by Dutch, French and British colonial companies in the 17th and 18th Centuries. These companies, in their administration of colonies in Asia and the Americas, issued laws and adjudicated cases that circumscribed permitted relations, rights and obligations based on gender, race and class, but also, based on the commercial interests of the company in a given colonial territory. The focus of this project will be a case study on company courts’ decisions on same sex sexual relations with a view to understanding better the significance of and relationship between, identity category creation and the broader context of historical, and continued, corporate colonial capitalism. The project will draw on insights from Marxist theory of law as well as Queer Theory.

Activities / Resume


Grietje Baars is a Reader at City, University of London. Their research focuses on the relationship between law and capital – see, The Corporation, Law and Capitalism (Brill: 2019).Grietje is an active union and community organiser.