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Cancer is a chronic disease affecting more and more people in Europe. Many studies have shown lower cancer survival in England compared to other countries. It is usually hypothesised that those differences are partly due to the inappropriate management of cancer patients, leading to deprivation inequalities: older and more deprived patients being less likely to be managed in an optimal way. Many other factors, such as patients’ age at diagnosis, cancer stage (i.e. how much the cancer is developed) and presence of comorbidities, (i.e. other diseases) play a role in the management of cancer patients.
The aim of this project is to compare the management and the survival of cancer patients between France and England, according to age and socioeconomic position, after accounting for the main prognostic factors (stage, comorbidities).
We will study colon and rectum cancer data from population-based cancer registries data. Logistic regression models will be used to compare cancer patients’ management (surgical procedure, radiotherapy, chemotherapy), while regression models for the excess mortality hazard will be used to study cancer survival probability. The results will bring new insights in the mechanisms associated with cancer survival inequalities, and should benefit both countries as it will help to understand what makes an optimal cancer management strategy.
After this project, we will publish the results in a scientific journal, and we also plan to submit two grant applications.
Activities / Resume
Aurélien Belot graduated in mathematics in 2000 and completed a Master science in statistics in 2002, both from the University of Lyon 1 (France). He worked as a biostatistician in the biostatistics Department of the Hospices Civils de Lyon between 2002 and 2014, where his main duties were to develop and implement statistical methods to provide national health indicators on cancer in France (incidence, mortality, prevalence and survival) within a working group of the Institut National de Veille Sanitaire, the Institut National du Cancer and the French network of cancer registries FRANCIM. He completed in 2009 my PhD in part-time in the domain of clinical research and public health, on the particular topic of flexible models to analyse survival data in the presence of competing risks, with a focus on the excess hazard method. Aurélien joined the Cancer Survival Group of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in August 2014 as an Assistant Professor in Medical Statistics and Cancer Epidemiology.
- Luque-Fernandez MA, Belot A, Valeri L, Ceruli G, Maringe C, Rachet B. Data-Adaptive Estimation for Double-Robust Methods in Population-Based Cancer Epidemiology: Risk differences for lung cancer mortality by emergency presentation, American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017; In press
- Fowler H, Belot A, Njagi EN, Luque-Fernandez MA, Maringe C, Quaresma M, Kajiwara M, Rachet B. Persistent inequalities in 90-day colon cancer mortality: an English cohort study. British Journal of Cancer. 2017. In press; doi: 10.1038/bjc.2017.295
- Charvat H, Remontet L, Bossard N, Roche L, Dejardin O, Rachet B, Launoy G, Belot A; CENSUR Working Survival Group. A multilevel excess hazard model to estimate net survival on hierarchical data allowing for non-linear and non-proportional effects of covariates. Statistics in medicine. 2016; 35(18):3066-84. doi: 10.1002/sim.6881
- Gilhodes J, Belot A, Bouvier AM, Remontet L, Delafosse P, Ligier K, Rogel A. Incidence of major smoking-related cancers: Trends among adults aged 20-44 in France from 1982 to 2012. Cancer Epidemiology. 2015; 39(5):707-13. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2015.07.001
- Jégu J, Belot A, Borel C, Daubisse-Marliac L, Trétarre B, Ganry O, Guizard AV, Bara S, Troussard X, Bouvier V, Woronoff AS, Colonna M, Velten M. Effect of previous history of cancer on survival of patients with a second cancer of the head and neck. Oral Oncology. 2015; 51(5):457-63. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2015.01.010.
- Binder-Foucard F, Bossard N, Delafosse P, Belot A, Woronoff AS, Remontet L and the French network of cancer registries Francim. Cancer incidence and mortality in France over the period 1980-2012 : solid tumours. Revue d’épidémiologie et de santé publique. 2014; 62(2):95-108
- Belot A, Rondeau V, Remontet L, Giorgi R. A joint frailty model to estimate the recurrence process and the disease-specific mortality process without needing the cause of death. Statistics in medicine. 2014; 33(18):3147-66
- Dupont C, Bossard N, Remontet L, Belot A. Description of an approach based on maximum likelihood to adjust an excess hazard model with a random effect. Cancer Epidemiology. 2013;37(4):449-56
- Desandes E, Lacour B, Belot A, Molinie F, Delafosse P, Tretarre B, Velten M, Sauleau EA, Woronoff AS, Guizard AV, Ganry O, Bara S, Grosclaude P, Troussard X, Bouvier V, Brugieres L, Clavel J. Cancer Incidence and Survival in Adolescents and Young Adults in France, 2000-2008. Pediatric hematology and oncology. 2013;30(4):291-306
- Roche L, Danieli C, Belot A, Grosclaude P, Bouvier AM, Velten M, Iwaz J, Remontet L, Bossard N. Cancer net survival on registry data: use of the new unbiased Pohar-Perme estimator and magnitude of the bias with the classical methods. International journal of cancer. 2013;132(10):2359-69.
- Danieli C, Remontet L, Bossard N, Roche L, Belot A. Estimating net survival: the importance of allowing for informative censoring. Statistics in medicine. 2012;31(8):775-786.
- Ligier K, Belot A, Launoy G, Velten M, Bossard N, Iwaz J, Righini CA, Delafosse P, Guizard AV. Descriptive epidemiology of upper aerodigestive tract cancers in France: Incidence over 1980-2005 and projection to 2010. Oral Oncology. 2011;47(4):302-307.
- Belot A, Abrahamowicz M, Remontet L, Giorgi R. Flexible modeling of competing risks in survival analysis. Statistics in medicine. 2010;29(23):2453-2468.
- Belot A, Grosclaude P, Bossard N, Jougla E, Benhamou E, Delafosse P, Guizard AV, Molinie F, Danzon A, Bara S, Bouvier AM, Tretarre B, Binder-Foucard F, Colonna M, Daubisse L, Hedelin G, Launoy G, Le Stang N, Maynadie M, Monnereau A, Troussard X, Faivre J, Collignon A, Janoray I, Arveux P, Buemi A, Raverdy N, Schvartz C, Bovet M, Cherie-Challine L, Esteve J, Remontet L, Velten M. Cancer incidence and mortality in France over the period 1980-2005. Revue d’épidémiologie et de santé publique. 2008;56(3):159-175.
- Bossard N, Velten M, Remontet L, Belot A, Maarouf N, Bouvier AM, Guizard AV, Tretarre B, Launoy G, Colonna M, Danzon A, Molinie F, Troussard X, Bourdon-Raverdy N, Carli PM, Jaffre A, Bessaguet C, Sauleau E, Schvartz C, Arveux P, Maynadie M, Grosclaude P, Esteve J, Faivre J. Survival of cancer patients in France: a population-based study from The Association of the French Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). European journal of cancer. 2007;43(1):149-160.
- Remontet L, Bossard N, Belot A, Esteve J. An overall strategy based on regression models to estimate relative survival and model the effects of prognostic factors in cancer survival studies. Statistics in medicine. 2007;26(10):2214-2228.
September 2018 to June 2019
- Cancer
- Survival
- Deprivation
- Management