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Celso Martins
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Research topics
Performance and cognition in Renaissance philosophies.
New research projects of eminently interdisciplinary character are drawing attention to methodological, gnoseological, and artistic aspects of Renaissance philosophical literature in order to highlight their performative conceptual structure, focused on the formative effort of an active and dynamic living conscience, polymorphically extended to the world.
The different genres of Renaissance philosophical discourse – often hybrid, in which conceptual and stylistic frameworks as well as aesthetic and theoretical ideals are fused –, in addition to being able to represent in a singularly rich and expressive way the operations of the human spirit, seem to have a significant impact on our cognitive abilities.
Taking inspiration from this current interest of the philosophies of culture, of language, and of knowledge on the contributions of Renaissance thought, the project aims to broaden and advance research showing how, for the speculation on the human action there developed, text is not only an instrument but also an environment
Activities / Resume
Celso Martins Azar Filho is Professor of Philosophy at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Brazil.
Director of the "Laboratory of Renaissance Studies" (LERen: CNPq/UFF), he was a visiting researcher at the ENS de Lyon (2009 and 2011) and coordinator of the bilateral France-Brazil Capes-Cofecub project (2014-2017) "Art, sciences and philosophy in the Renaissance" (ENS de Lyon/UFRJ/UFF).
Participating in research groups and pedagogical activities focused on the study of Renaissance thought in different countries, he has published several books and articles on the subject. His current research focuses on the singular character of theorizing about action in Renaissance philosophical literature. He is responsible for the preparation of the first edition/translation into Portuguese of Michel de Montaigne’s correspondence, financed by the Editora da UFRJ.
- « Sur les rapports entre l’ignorance, la science, la philosophie et le scepticisme chez Montaigne » In: J. Balsamo et A. Graves (dir.). Global Montaigne. Mélanges en l’honneur de Philippe Desan Paris: Garnier, p. 303-313, 2021.
- « Mobilismo e relacionalismo no Des cannibales de Montaigne » Modernos & Contemporâneos, v. 4, p. 112-124, 2020.
- Azar Filho, C. M., Ottaviani, D. e Süssekind, P. (dir.). Arte, ciências e filosofia no Renascimento. vol. I. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 7Letras, 2018.
- Azar Filho, C. M., Ottaviani, D. e Viegas, R. (dir.). Arte, ciências e filosofia no Renascimento. vol. II. Rio de Janeiro : Ed. 7Letras, 2019.
- « Méthode et style dans les Essais de Montaigne ». Bulletin de la Société internationale des amis de Montaigne, Paris, v. 2016-2, p. 51-69, 2016.
- « Les cannibales et la loi naturelle » In Rouen, 1562. Montaigne et les Cannibales, 2013, Rouen. Actes de colloques et journées d'étude. Rouen : CÉRÉdI, 2013.
- Azar Filho, C. M., Pinheiro, M. R. (dir.) Neoplatonismo, mística e linguagem. Niterói: Editora da UFF, 2013.
- Azar Filho, C. M.; Da Costa, A. A.; Haddad, A. B. (dir.) Filosofia e prazer: diálogos com a tradição hedonista. Seropédica: Editora da UFRRJ, 2012.
- « Nouveau monde, homme nouveau » Montaigne Studies, v. XXII, p. 71-84, 2010.
- « Plaisir et vertu chez Montaigne » In A. McKenna ; P.-F. Moreau (dir.) Libertinage et Philosophie au XVIIe Siècle. Saint-Étienne : Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2009
- Azar Filho, C. M., A filosofia de Montaigne - Introdução ao pensamento renascentista. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Gama Filho, 2009.
- «The cannibal virtue» In Corinne Noirot-Maguire; Valérie M. Dionne. (Org.). Revelations of character - Ethos, rethoric and moral philosophy in Montaigne. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007
- « Le premier chapitre des Essais », Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, Paris, v. 37-38, 2005, p. 15-30, 2005
- « Notes sur quelques thèmes communs aux Essais et à la pensée des Indiens brésiliens ». Bulletin de la Société Internationale des Amis de Montaigne, Paris, v. 33-34, p. 14-18, 2004.
- « Remarques sur la relation entre coutume et vertu chez Montaigne ». Montaigne Studies, Chicago, v. XIV, n. 1-2, p. 155-168, 2002.
- « Montaigne e Sócrates: cepticismo, conhecimento e virtude » Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Braga - Portugal, v. 58, n.4, p. 829-845, 2002.
- « Montaigne et la justice universelle » Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, Paris, v. 21-22, p. 31-38, 2001.
- « Le Modernisme brésilien et Montaigne : l´Antropofagia d´Oswald de Andrade » Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, Paris, v. 19-20, n.19-20, p. 61-64, 2000.
- performance
- cognition
- Renaissance
- philosophy