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Why to write a new one? My motivation is based on several factors. First, I am trying to write a book that starts from a more multicentric vision of social science than usually presented. I situate developments of psychology in the framework other social sciences (anthropology, sociology, education , linguistics) and philosophical disciplines (logic, philosophy of science) as well as relate them to developments in natural science, mainly biology. As a second point, the book shows that European psychology was continuously present and active even after the early decades. In the usual treatment, psychology is seen from the 1920s on more and more Americo-centric.
Regarding the new social and biological theories of the mind the book tries to bring most of its substantial innovations providing chapters on the early social reductionist followers of Durkheim (such as Charles Blondel and Maurice Halbwachs), and the social debates about relativism in Lévy-Bruhl, early Piaget, the beginnings of ethology, the language based approaches of Karl Bühler and Lev Vygotsky, the importance of different early schools regarding the nature of human development.
A related substantial "new message" concerns a broader than usual treatment of the early impact of Darwinism not only on individual differences and American functionalism, but on early evolutionary treatments of cognition in Ernst Mach, James Baldwin, J. Piaget, Karl Bühler and its continuation in the evolutionary epistemology of Popper and Donald Campbell.
A further reason for writing the book concerns the issue of explanatory models in human and social sciences. The standard overall treatments still take an almost entirely internalist attitude, i.e. talking merely about the seemingly inherent changes of theories. I am trying to redress the balance in this regard, emphasizing a balance of the three layers determining the development of psychology: the intellectual, the personal, and the social should be treated together, as aspects of the real life of the scientist.
Activités / CV
Csaba Pléh ([ˈtʃɒbɒ], [ˈpleː]), né en 1945 à Sárisáp (Hongrie), est un psychologue, linguiste, membre de l’Académie hongroise des Sciences et Academia Europae, professeur émérite au département des sciences cognitives de la Central European University de Budapest.
En collaboration étroite avec ses partenaires, ses élèves et anciens élèves, il travaille dans de nombreux domaines des sciences cognitives comme :
- la philosophie et l’histoire des sciences cognitives et de la psychologie, avec un accent sur les modèles évolutionnistes
- l’apprentissage de la langue maternelle
- le traitement des phrases
- la psychologie évolutionniste
Csaba Pléh est un psychologue créateur d’écoles, rédacteur de revues, de séries de publications aussi bien que de recueils collectifs en Hongrie et à l’étranger. Il a inspiré et animé beaucoup de colloques et congrès internationaux et assuré la publication de leurs actes. Enseignant et chercheur éminent, reconnu en Hongrie et dans les universités étrangères, il s’est toujours efforcé de considérer ses collègues et ses étudiants comme de véritables partenaires.
- (with Lilia Gurova, László Ropolyi) (eds.), New perspective on the history of cognitive science, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 2013, 227 p.
- (with Csibra Gergely, Peter Richerson) (eds.), Naturalistic approaches to culture, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 2013, 218 p.
- History and theories of the mind, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 2008.
- (with Ilona Barkóczi), Music makes a difference, Kecskemét, Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute, 1982.
- A megismeréstudomány alapjai (Foundations of cognitive science.), Budapest: Typotex, 2013, 320 p.
- A lélek és a nyelv. (Mind and language. An introduction to psycholinguistics.) Budapest: Akademiai, 2013, 153 p.
- (Ed.) A kognitív szempont a nyelv pszichológiájában (The cognitive principles in the psychology of language) Budapest, Akademiai , 2013, 442 p. This is an edited volume of 15 chapters on the role of cognitive models and methods in understanding language, from aphasias and neurobiology through ambiguity processing and metaphor to knowledge distribution. Two French authors (Dan Sperber and Edgar Morin) also contributed to the Hungarian volume.
- Pszicholingvisztika 1‐2. Hungarian Handbook of psycholinguistics. Edited and written 15 chapters. Budapest: Akadémiai, 2014, 1540 p.
- A lélektan története. (History of psyvchology). Hungarian electronic textbook, 2004, 650 p., 2014
de septembre 2012 à juillet 2013
- Histoire de la psychologie
- Interdisciplinarité
- Psychologie et sciences de la nature
- Évolution de la cognition
- Facteurs sociaux dans les sciences