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Archéologie - Italie


  • Anthropologie
  • ethnologie
  • préhistoire

Thèmes de recherche



In spite of the fact that the highlands of Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus are a rather homogenous geographical area, the prehistory of these regions has never been investigated in a unitary way. The research project aims at a new reconstruction of the later prehistory of these areas during the 5th and 4th millennia by investigating the structural roots and developments of the social complexity during the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age. In order to accomplish this research, the study on the archaeological materials from two unpublished sites excavated by the “Mission Caucase” in Armenia (Aratashen and Godedzor), will be integrated by the collaboration with specialists from different disciplines in order to contextualise the social changes within the technological, productive and territorial transformations. The publication of the excavations at the sites of Aratashen and Godedzor, that will be prepared during the year of the fellowship at the Collegium de Lyon, will represent the most updated source of information the research project will rely on.

Activités / CV


Giulio Palumbi, was born in Rome (Italy) on 15th of December 1970. After completing his first degree at “Università di Roma La Sapienza” in 1996, he attended a MSc in Social Anthropology at University College London. His Ph.D, based at “Università di Roma La Sapienza”, focused on the relations between Anatolia and the Caucasus during the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age, and was defended in 2003.In 2003 and 2004 he was awarded with two NATO-CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) fellowships dealing respectively with the funerary practices in Georgia during the Early Bronze Age (Tbilisi State Museum) and with the Neolithic cultures of the Ararat plain (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Yerevan, Armenia). In the academic years 2005-2007 he worked as a temporary researcher at “Università di Roma La Sapienza” and also was teaching assistant for the Prehistory of the Near East. In 2008 he has been Chercheur Étranger Associé at the “Laboratoire Archéorient, UMR 5133, CNRS, Université Lumière Lyon 2-Maison de L’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Lyon”, where he worked on the ceramics from the neolithic site of Aratashen (Armenia). In the academic year 2009-2010, he worked as a temporary researcher and as a teaching assistant for the Prehistory of the Near East the “Università del Salento, Lecce”. In the academic year 2009-2010 he has been Senior Research Fellow at Koç University in Istanbul.

He is member of the archaeological expedition at Arslantepe-Malatya (Turkey), of the “Mission Caucase” (Armenia) and of the archaeological expedition at Mersin-Yumuktepe (Turkey).


  • Palumbi G. 2008: The Red and Black. Social and cultural interaction between the Upper Euphrates and Southern Caucasus communities in the fourth and third millennium BC. Studi di Peistoria Orientale, Volume 2. Sapienza Università di Roma.
  • Greenberg R., Palumbi G. in press: Corridors and colonies: comparing fourth-third millennia BC interactions in Southeast Anatolia and the Levant. In B. Knapp, P. van Dommelen (eds), The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean. Cambridge University Press.
  • Palumbi G. 2012: The Arslantepe Royal Tomb and the “Manipulation” of the Kurgan ideology in Eastern Anatolia at the beginning of the third millennium. In S. Muller Celka, E. Borgna (eds.) Ancestral Landscapes: Burial Mounds in the Copper and Bronze Ages. Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, Lyon.
  • Palumbi G. 2011: The Chalcolithic of Eastern Anatolia. In S. Steadman and G. Mc Mahon (eds) Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia. Oxford University Press.
  • Palumbi G. 2007: A Preliminary analysis on the prehistoric pottery from Aratashen (Armenia). In B. Lyonnet (ed.) Les Cultures du Caucase (VI-IIIème Millénaires av. n. è.). Leurs Relations avec le Proche-Orient Ancien. Paris, CNRS Èditions, pp. 63-76.
  • Palumbi G. 2003: Red-Black pottery: Eastern Anatolian and Transcaucasian relationships around the mid-fourth millennium BC. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 40, pp. 80-139