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Short stay
Archeology - Iran>
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Research topics
Studying the origin of Sgraffito pottery technique in the North-West of Iran and the interactions between this area and the Caucasus during early and middle Islamic periods (10-14th Centuries)The Sgraffito pottery is one of the most important productions of the early and middle Islamic periods in Northwest Iran.The Sgraffito pottery is a decorating pottery produced by applying layers of color or colors to leather hard pottery and then scratching off parts of the layer(s) to create contrasting images, patterns and textures, revealing the clay color underneath. This type of pottery was not only produced in Northwest Iran (so called Ak Kand), but also in the Caucasus. This research project will investigate , the technique of the primary centers of Sgraffito pottery in these regions, that have never been investigated in a comprehensive way. It will study the archaeological materials coming from the AghcheRish Site, which was excavated in 2020, and from all other Northwest Iran sites of the Islamic period that have been excavated (including: Ojan, Soltania, Rab Rashidi and Ak KandIt ambitions to to shed some new light on the archaeology of these regions and to update the knowledge of the early and middle Islamic period potteries.
Activities / Resume
Mehdi Kazempouris Associate Professor of Islamic Archaeology in Tabriz Islamic Art University, where he teaches courses in Islamic archaeology of Iran and excavation field methods in archaeology and archaeometry. His research focuses on the Sgrafito Pottery in the early and middle Islamic periods.PARTNER LABORATORY
September 2022 to June 2023
• Sgraffito; NW Iran
• Southern Caucasus
• early and middle Islamic periods
• Southern Caucasus
• early and middle Islamic periods