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Political science - Canada

Research topics


Refugees and Mechanisms of Governance at the Municipal and Metropolitan Levels: A France-Canada Comparison

This project seeks to compare the strategies and the governance mechanisms in the reception and resettlement of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants at the municipal and the metropolitan levels in France and Canada. It will compare six cities—Lyon, Villeurbanne and Vénissieux in the Greater Lyon area and Vancouver, Surrey and Burnaby in the Greater Vancouver area—from 2010 to 2020. This work is needed because shifting levels of analysis enables research that sees beyond national differences or “models,” thereby providing a more accurate understanding of the management of migration. Both in Canada and France, there is a growing awareness that municipal and metropolitan levels matter in the area of immigration. This new interest resulted in burgeoning literature on “the local turn.” However, there are still significant limitations to this work, and this project seeks to address them. First, this research proposes to look at both the municipal and metropolitan levels, to understand the dynamics between a metropolis and its suburbs. Looking at both levels is crucial in the context of specific residential patterns among refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. By tackling the issue of the comparative design consequences—notably the most similar/different systems design—on research findings, this project will advance our knowledge of the “local turn.” Second, this project aims to go beyond policy outcomes in studying intermediary steps of the policy-making process, such as the mechanisms of governance (including coordination, venue shopping, and policy learning). In comparing how these mechanisms are linked to a situated context, the proposed research will provide a better explanation for the convergence and divergence of local policy-making. Indeed, this project aims to develop a theory explaining why, despite a convergence of governance mechanisms at the local and metropolitan levels, we observe a divergence of local policy outcomes in terms of reception and resettlement.

Activities / Resume


As an immigrant to Canada, political science professor Aude-Claire Fourot is deeply interested in how a city’s public policies impact immigration resettlement. She also works with local communities to explore how settlement issues relating to ethnic and religious diversity in turn shape public policy. Fourot came to Canada in 2000, completing an MA in political science at Laval University and a PhD at the University of Montreal. She held SSHRC postdoctoral research positions at both Sciences Po Paris and at MIT before joining SFU’s Department of Political Science in 2011, where she teaches Canadian politics and public policy. She currently holds a SSHRC grant to compare refugee resettlement in Canadian and French cities and to discover how local governance determines resettlement outcomes.


Books and Special Issues

  • Aude-Claire Fourot, Rémi Léger, Jérémie Cornut and Nicolas Kenny. 2019. Le Canada dans le monde. Acteurs, idées, Gouvernance. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
  • Mireille Paquet, Nora Nagels and Aude-Claire Fourot. 2018. Citizenship as a Regime. Canadian and International Perspectives. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2013. L’intégration des immigrants. Cinquante ans d’action publique locale. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot, Rachel Sarrasin et Grant Holly. 2011. “Comparer le Québec : approches, enjeux, spécificités.” Politique et sociétés, vol. 30, no. 1.

Articles in Scholarly Refereed Journals

  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2018. “Does the Scale of Funding Matter? Manitoba and British Columbia Before and After the Federal Repatriation of Settlement Services: The Case of Francophone Service Providers” Journal of International Migration & Integration. Online preview.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2016. “Redessiner les espaces francophones au présent : la prise en compte de l'immigration dans la recherche sur les francophonies minoritaires au Canada” Politique et Sociétés, vol. 35, no 1, p. 25-48.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2015. “Instruments d’action publique et régulation municipale de l’islam : Le cas de la mosquée de Créteil” Gouvernement et Action publique, vol. 4, no. 3, p. 81-102.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2015. “Bringing Cities Back In” To Canadian Political Science: Municipal Public Policy & Immigration.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 48, no. 2, p. 413-433.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2009. “Gestions du nouveau pluralisme religieux dans les villes canadiennes. Établissement de mosquées et mécanismes de personnalisation des canaux de médiation à Montréal et à Laval. ” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 42(3): 637-655.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2007. “Gouvernance et apprentissage social au niveau local : la mise en place d’un programme d’initiative communautaire à Paris.” Politique européenne, 22 (Spring): 197-220.

Book Chapters

  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2019. « L’action publique municipale » In A.-C. Fourot, R. Léger, J. Cornut and N. Kenny (eds.). 2019. Le Canada dans le monde. Acteurs, idées, Gouvernance. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. Pp. 347-363.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot, R. Léger, N. Kenny and J. Cornut. 2019. « Les enjeux politiques contemporains au Canada » In A.-C. Fourot, R. Léger, J. Cornut and N. Kenny (eds.). 2019. Le Canada dans le monde. Acteurs, idées, Gouvernance. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. Pp. 9-23.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot, Mireille Paquet, and Nora Nagels. 2018. “Introduction: Citizenship as a Regime”. In M. Paquet, N. Nagels and A.-C. Fourot (eds.), The Citizenship Regime in Canada and Beyond, McGill-Queen’s University Press, p. 3-23.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2015. “Les interculturalismes à l'échelle locale.” In S. Ravi and C. Couture (eds.), Autour de l’œuvre de Gérard Bouchard. Histoire sociale, sociologie historique, imaginaires collectifs et politiques publiques, Presses de l’Université Laval, p. 157-177.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2012. “Comprendre la différenciation territoriale par les mécanismes de changement institutionnel” In A.-C. Douillet, A. Faure, C. Halpern and J.-P. Leresche (eds.), L’action publique locale dans tous ses états. Différenciation et standardisation, L’Harmattan, p. 45-59.
  • Aude-Claire Fourot. 2010. “Managing Religious Pluralism in Canadian Cities: Mosques in Montreal and Laval.” in T. Caponio and M. Borkert (eds.), The Local Dimension of Policymaking, Amsterdam University Press, p. 135-159.

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