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Urban studies - Brasil

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Urban studies



This research project is a study of the financialisation phenomena concerning urban policies, the scale of which explains an important growth of the academic production during the last years. One of the challenges of contemporary research is to understand the way in which the historical actors of urban production, whether they are developers or local authorities, have been led to modify the fundamental logics of their actions in relation to the new context of financialisation. The ultimate goal is to apprehend, within the world of real estate developers or public managers, the way in which "financialisation" produces commercial successes (of developers) or administrative careers (in public institutions), as it also contributes to the marginalization or renewal of elites. The field of research is both contemporary and historical, local (Lyon) and national, in a comparatist approach at the international level. A first line of work will be developed on the contemporary context, with a particular focus on the Lyon agglomeration. It will involve investigating, qualitatively through semi-structured interviews, developers and public managers to collect their perceptions of the transformations of their professional activity over the last thirty years due to the generalization of the use of financial calculation tools. A second area of investigation will be historical and linked to training institutions in public and private urban project management in France. In an analytical way, one of the wider issues of this research is to progress in the identification of mechanisms of selection and reproduction of contemporary elites, incorporating as much as possible an international comparison prism, through the cases of France and Brazil.

Activities / Resume


Lucia Shimbo has a graduate degree, Master and PhD in architecture and urbanism from the University of São Paulo (USP – Brazil). She held a doctoral internship at the University of Paris 8 - Saint Denis (France) and postdoctoral studies about real estate and housing policy at the Laboratory for Housing and Human Settlements (LabHab, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, FAU/USP - Brazil) and about financialisation and production of housing at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Research City, Space, Society (RIVES, École Nationale de Travaux Publics de l'État, ENTPE - France). Her PhD thesis received honourable mention at the VII Brazilian Award in Politics, Urban and Regional Planning and was at the third place in the Iberoamerican Award in PhD on sustainable housing promoted by Infonavit-Redalyc (Mexico).
She is professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism – University of São Paulo (IAU/USP – Brazil) for seven years, where she teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses on the following topics: Architecture and Urban Projects; Policy, Technology and Production of Housing and Research Methods in Architecture and Urbanism.
Her professional experience includes consultancy for Brazilian municipalities in local plans for social housing. She has already coordinated research projects about housing policies, construction of social housing, real estate market and reconfiguration of contemporary cities. In the IAU-USP, she is the Chair on Graduation Committee and member of the Permanent Commission for the Support of Undergraduate Final Work.
She published 8 papers in peer reviewed journals, 3 complete books and 13 book chapters on issues related to housing policies, production of urban space and real estate market.


  • 2012, Vivienda Social de Mercado: confluencia entre Estado, empresas constructoras y capital financiero, México DF, Infonavit; UAEMex, 245p.
  • 2015, avec Caio Carvalho et Beatriz Rufino, Minha casa... e a cidade? Avaliação do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida em seis estados brasileiros, Rio de Janeiro, Letra Capital, 428p.
  • 2018 (sous presse), « Construction, State and finance in housing production in Brazil », International Journal of Housing Policy.
  • 2016, « Sobre os capitais que produzem habitação no Brasil », Novos Estudos CEBRAP, 105, p. 119-133.
  • 2014, « La construction de l’habitat social: une politique publique liée au marché immobilier », Brésil(s), 6, p. 99-117.
  • 2014, avec João Marcos Lopes, « Mucho mercado, poca política: el papel de las grandes empresas de la construcción en el programa “Mi Casa, Mi Vida” en las ciudades no metropolitanas en Brasil », Studia Politicae, 30, p. 5-24.
  • 2013, « O aquecimento imobiliário e o mercado de habitação na área central de São Paulo (2001-2010) », EURE, 39, p. 215-235.