
Nominal categorization: from grammar to communicative interaction

Du 18 avril 2019 au 19 avril 2019 De 08:30 à 17:30

MSH Lyon Saint-Étienne — Centre Berthelot
14, avenue Berthelot
Lyon 7e

Room: Espace Marc Bloch

Organisé par: Rosa Vallejos (University of New Mexico & Collegium de Lyon) Thiago Chacon (University of Brasilia & Collegium de Lyon) Françoise Rose (Dynamique du Langage, CNRS) Denis Bertet (Dynamique du Langage, CNRS) Magdalena Lemus (Dynamique du Langage, CNRS) Léa Mouton (Dynamique du Langage, CNRS)

Noun classification has been extensively dealt with in terms of semantic and morphosyntactic variation. However, the pragmatic side of this phenomenon in general, and its role in communicative interaction in particular, have received much less attention. This is surprising, considering that the primary functions of noun categorization devices are said to be classification, individuation, reference building, and reference tracking of entities in sustained discourse.
The proposed workshop can advance this debate by examining new bodies of data from languages under-represented in the literature. It can contribute to the development of a more fine-grained typology taking into consideration a multidimensional approach. We invited contributions from scholars of different theoretical orientations, on in-depth, preferably usage-based research of different aspects of noun categorization devices.