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Scientific Collaborations
As part of the Investments for the Future program (PIA), the Université de Lyon (UDL) brings together laboratories of excellence (LabEx), the University Research Schools (EUR) and the Convergences Institutes. Most of these programs have established partnerships with the Collegium enabling to welcome researchers on projects falling within their scientific themes.
Collaboration with the LabEx
LabEx ASLAN (Advanced studies on language complexity)
The LabEx ASLAN (Advanced studies on language complexity) stems from the cooperation between two research units located in Lyon: DDL (Dynamique Du Langage) and ICAR (Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations).
International cooperation is critical to providing both context and insight to our studies. Thus, the ASLAN Steering Committee may support research proposals to the Collegium call for applications, if they are in line with the goals of the LabEx or its constituent laboratories. We encourage applicants to visit the websites listed below and to contact us for further information.
Keywords: Language; Linguistics; Complex Systems; Multimodal Communication; Neuroscience; Cognitive sciences; Learning; Education; Language impairments; Cultural diversity and socialization
Director Kris Lund (
DDL Laboratory: Director Antoine Guillaume (
ICAR Laboratory: Director Pierluigi Basso (
LabEx CeLyA (Lyon center for acoustics)
The “Centre Lyonnais d’Acoustique“, CeLyA, has been funded in 2011 as a “Laboratoire d’Excellence” by the French Ministry of Research, it brings together all the acousticians of Lyon and Saint-Etienne. Acoustics is mainly an interdisciplinary field, at crossroads between several scientific disciplines : solid and fluid mechanics, material sciences, signal and image processing, physiology and psychology, cognitive sciences... CeLyA is unique in France as it brings together specialists from all these fields.
Director Etienne Parizet (
LabEx LIO (Lyon Institute of Origins)
LIO furthers leading-edge research into the origins of matter, large-scale cosmological properties, galaxies, stars and exoplanets, Earth and origin of life.
Director Bruno Guiderdoni (
LabEx MILyon (Mathematics and basic computer science of Lyon)
Mathematics and computer science are deeply intertwined, and their multiple interactions are explored in-depth in Lyon, with the LabEx MILyon.
The LabEx MIlyon wishes to reinforce its multidisciplinary activities in these three fields and is seeking high-level applications:
- either in areas related to certified computation: numerical analysis, approximation theory, certified or symbolic mathematics libraries, explicit approach to dynamical systems, computer-assisted proofs;
- or in the field of dynamical systems with multi-dimensional time, in particular going beyond the amenable case; this could concern the measured or topological settings, graph limits, approximations by finite models, or the challenges presented by the recently-introduced entropy invariants and their relationships with group theory;
- or on mathematical models of distributed or concurrent systems: causal approaches to the semantics of concurrency, partial orders or event structures, links with category theory and game theory.
The LabEx MIlyon will provide successful applicants with funding in order to organize short-term thematic activities or visits of collaborators.
Director Damien Pous (
LabEx Comod (Constitution of modernity: reason, politics and religion)
The COMOD LabEx takes an interdisciplinary approach drawing from various methods from the history of ideas to analyzing the civic foundation of European democracies. Most ideas, institutions and political practices surrounding “living together” are based on a certain type of practical rationality, in particular in the areas of politics and the relationship between citizens and authorities, the State and religion, sovereignty and expertise. This rationality was largely born during the Scientific Revolution and has grown in complex ways over the past few centuries. It has grown out of humanism through a number of key writings and a consensus on a few principles. This consensus forms the “civic foundation” upon which our European democracies have been built.
The Comod LabEx includes 5 UMRs, greeting staff and a Research Federation:
- UMR 5317 – IHRIM
- UMR 5190 – LARHRA
- UMR 5137 – CERCRID
- EA 4187 – IRPHIL
- ISERL (The Institut supérieur d’étude des religions et de la laïcité)
The LabEx’s research and education activities are articulated around three major areas of research and, more recently, areal studies.
Three major areas of research involving multi-year structuring projects
- The true formation of modern rationality and “the unthought”
- The State and religion
- The State and citizens
7 fields of areal studies
Contacts:Director Pierre Girard (
LabEx Cortex (Construction, cognitive function, rehabilitation and repair of the cortex)
The CORTEX LabEx (Construction, cognitive function, rehabilitation and repair of the cortex) includes 15 research teams from six laboratories: SBRI, ISC-MJ, CRNL, INMG, EMC, and GATE.
CORTEX is a multidisciplinary effort to understand the brain and human cognition. It is based on an integrative approach founded on the study of cortical networks and interactions at multiple scales, from the cell to the individual. Understanding the biological foundations of cognition, and the origins of its possible dysfunctions, requires a detailed knowledge of the genesis, structure and physiology of the cortex.
CORTEX has multiple objectives: to allow the development of new cognitive remediation methods, to develop new effective therapeutic procedures and to contribute to the development of bio-technologies.
Key Words: Biotechnology; anatomy; cognition; psychiatry; neurobiology; neuroeconomics
DirectorJean-Louis Bessereau (
Project manager Jennifer Beneyton (
LabEx IMU (Intelligence of urban worlds)
The Intelligence of Urban Worlds (IMU) LabEx has centered its research on an “object” – the generalized urban space – and an integrative approach based on plurality, bringing together all scientific fields as well as non-academic players. This “radical plurality” has been adopted by all members of the founding community and is the signature of French urban research.
Epistemologically, this position is more radical than the usual multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches. It raises the bar for the outcome of research, with the expectation of the mutual acculturation of the “academic” and “practitioner” spheres, which will share their practices, knowledge and know-how in a symmetrical manner and define the challenges and issues to be addressed together. The second challenge is having scientific practices from different fields working together. The boundaries of each scientific discipline mean that individually, they cannot address the complexity of environmental, social and technical situations. Indeed, it has long been accepted that research in each field has extended beyond the boundaries of the discipline. The challenge here is to widen their involvement to several areas. By encouraging eco-biologists, sociologists, heating engineers, geographers, archaeologists, computer scientists, urban planners and hydrologists to work together, the IMU has fostered a larger, more complex and original approach to producing knowledge about urban environments, although this of course poses additional challenges. As the real world rarely presents naturally discrete parts for study, each discipline has carved out an area to investigate, drawing on its own history, conceptual tools, methodologies and paradigms to do so. Only an integrative approach can hope to produce knowledge of the complexity of the urban phenomenon. These two dimensions – the generalized urban and plurality – are the signature of the IMU in urban studies research.
Today, the IMU LabEx includes 37 laboratories and 580 researchers in the Lyon-Saint-Etienne area, as well as many local experts from companies, organizations and local authorities. The LabEx also has presence on the global stage (tendering for international projects, collaborative projects, etc.). Our strong partnership with the Collegium strengthens this international synergy as it creates opportunities for international experts to interact with our researchers and to further explore the plurality of research in the LabEx. These collaborations may continue in the long term, with suggestions of ways to structure collective research (debates during colloquium, joint applications for international calls for tender, etc.).
Contacts :
Director Jean-Yves Toussaint (
LabEx Primes (Physics, Radiobiology, Imaging and Simulation)
The primary objective of the Excellence Lab (LabEx) PRIMES (Physics, Radiobiology, Imaging and Simulation) is to develop new concepts and methods for the exploration, diagnosis and therapy of cancer and pathologies associated with aging. PRIMES covers a variety of areas ranging from basic physics to instrumentation, from radiobiology to data acquisition and processing, to image reconstruction, simulation and modeling using computer science.
Contact :
Françoise Peyrin, directrice / director
Béatrice Rayet, chef de projet/head of project
Collaboration with Convergences Insitutes
The Convergences Institutes aim to structure some large-scale, high-profile multidisciplinary scientific sites to better answer major issues at the crossroads of societal and economic challenges and questions from the scientific community.
LUS (Lyon Urban School)
Through its experimental interdisciplinary project for research, doctoral training and the economic, social and cultural promotion of scientific knowledge, the Lyon Urban School (LUS) is breaking new ground by establishing an emerging field of knowledge and expertise: the Urban Anthropocene.
Director Michel Lussault (
Collaboration with University Research Schools - EUR
The University Research Schools aim to bring together master’s and doctoral trainings along with one or several high-level research laboratories, while ensuring that the projects strongly associate research organizations, have strong international dimension and maintain close links with economic players when possible.
H20 (School of integrated watershed sciences)
In November 2017, the EUR H2O’Lyon was selected as part of the “Investment for the Future program – Graduate school of research” and has been granted funding for 10 years by the French National Agency for Research. H2O’Lyon aims to build a Graduate School of Research for Water Science and Hydrosystems. It adopts a fully interdisciplinary approach, drawing from the Humanities and Social Sciences, Physics and Engineering and the Life Sciences, in order to research the challenges in working with and managing water and hydrosystems. It aims to strengthen the impact and international renown of the research and educational programs in this field in the Lyon-Saint-Étienne area, which include master’s and PhD programs and advanced research laboratories.
The H2O’Lyon EUR includes 17 master’s programs and training programs, 5 graduate schools and 12 research units
Coordinator Hervé Piegay (
Collaboration with chairs
A partnerchip has also been established with Sciences Po Lyon and the Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon.
"Public Policy Transformation" Chair, Sciences Po Lyon
Sciences Po Lyon is building a Chair project devoted to the transformations of public policy. This Chair is entirely funded by the Sciences Po Lyon Foundation hosted by the Université de Lyon, and has three main objectives:
- Fostering the understanding of the major social, environmental, demographic and digital transitions that define public policy;
- Contributing to inventing the public policies of tomorrow and innovative ways to build them through close collaborations between citizens and local socioeconomic players;
- Encouraging debate and research on public policy.
Our Chair aims to create a fellowship for a guest researcher conducting academic research in the humanities and social sciences, with experience in action-oriented research in public policy, in order to build upon its ambitious scientific program, which currently covers:
Democracy: studying collective deliberation practices of the future to make decisions concerning urban and rural transformation projects.
Data: designing the public world in a digital civilization.
Design: helping invent new public policy jobs
Christian Paul (
"Education IFÉ" Chair, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Born in 2011 from the re-foundation of the National Institute of Pedagogical Research, the French Institute of Education (IFÉ) was integrated into the École normale supérieure de Lyon which stands out, nationally and internationally, through permanent interaction between teaching and research.
The aim of the IFÉ, an interface structure, is to link research and training while supporting and monitoring education policies. Inter-category teams from the IFÉ produce rigorous studies, practical resources that can be used by trainers, and more generally, by all the actors of the education systems.
The IFÉ maintains a permanent link with the national and international educational communities, through the recruitment of seconded or associate professors but also the expertise of invited international researchers in the field of education.
The applications must fall within the framework of themes linked to the new scientific project of the IFÉ or those of the Unesco chair "Training teachers in the 21st century" carried out by the IFÉ-ENS de Lyon:
- Educational professions and territories
- Teaching in higher education
- Learnings and didactics
Contact IFÉ : Luc Ria