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Tackling contemporary issues: Meet the 2023-2024 Fellows of the Collegium – the Université de Lyon's Institute for Advanced Study
On The September 27, 2023
New international fellows started their residency at the Collegium de Lyon for the academic year 2023-24.
This fall, the Collegium of Lyon, the Université de Lyon's Institute for Advanced Study, welcomes its new Fellows from all over the world. For a period of 5 to 10 months, these 11 scientists will be working in research laboratories in Lyon and Saint-Étienne, contributing to a quantum leap in knowledge to meet the major challenges of today's world.
They will break new ground in our knowledge of degenerative diseases through bio-imaging, delve into the history of human-nonhuman interactions through colonization, and help preserve linguistic diversity by studying endangered languages.
The 2023-24 cohort of researchers will also be giving women their rightful place in History: from the conquering women of the Iron Age in Iran to the strategies of women deported to the gulags in the 20th century, and from an investigation of the clandestine manuscripts read by the mathematician, physicist and philosopher of the Enlightenment Émilie Du Châtelet, to a renewed reflection on women victims of feminicide in 18th-century France.
And last but not least, these scholars will untangle our multiple allegiances to networks and the paths of disinformation, shed light on our understanding of cultural changes on the shores of the Black Sea in the Middle Ages, and our insight into geopolitical connections in Ancient Greece through the lens of religious practices.
Throughout the year, the Lyon community will have the privilege of learning about the research carried out by these internationally-renowned scientists through seminars, conferences and symposia involving both academic and non-academic stakeholders.
Read more on the 2023-24 fellows