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Aleksandar Boskovic : Underground Šišmiš Radio
Le 4 mars 2020
16 Taviton Street - London WC1H 0BW - UK
Dans le cadre des "South East Europe Seminar Series" de UCL SSEES, avec Aleksandar Bošković (Columbia University)
This talk examines the underground “Radio Bat” show aired on Radio B92 every Monday throughout the “occupied” Belgrade ether during the 1990s. Run by one of the pivotal figures in Belgrade’s counterculture art scene, a Serbian radio disc jockey Miomir Grujić Fleka, the late-night three hour long Šišmiš Radio was one of the most remarkable, albeit marginal, voices of the urban underground resistance during Milošević’s rule. The talk will analyze the diverse narrative, vocal, musical and medial disruptive strategies Fleka successfully employed in his “anti-show FM cabaret” in order to offend, irk, and provoke apparently drowsy citizens—or, as he called them, “zombies”—within the capital of what, at the time, was both the nonexistent SFR Yugoslavia and its self-proclaimed mutant version of FR Yugoslavia.
More information : UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)
Aleksandar Bošković enseigne au Département des langues slaves de l'Université de Columbia. Ses centres d'intérêt comprennent la littérature d'Avant-garde et la culture visuelle Russe, d'Europe centrale et d'Europe de l'Est, la littérature, le cinéma et les théories littéraires yougoslaves et post-yougoslaves. Il est l'auteur de "The Poetic Humor in Vasko Popa’s Oeuvre" (2008) et d'un certain nombre d'essais sur les questions de mnémotechnique numérique, la Yugonostalgie et la mémoire culturelle, les livres photo et ciné-zines d'avant-garde, la poésie serbe et la fiction post-yougoslave. Il est Felow 2019-2020 du Collegium de Lyon.