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Cathy Cohen : The impact of exposure on bilingual development and identity
On The December 18, 2019
3 Allée de Fontenay, 69007 Lyon
Numerous factors have been shown to contribute to dual language acquisition and development in bilingual children, including the quantity and quality of exposure to each language. While studies reported in the literature have uncovered certain tendencies, the nature of the contribution of language exposure remains unclear. Indeed, since family language practices are interwoven with families’ language biographies, bilingual children’s exposure and language experiences are prone to variation over time.
In this talk, I will draw on data collected in the INEXDEB project (INput et EXperience dans le DEveloppement Bilingue), an ongoing five-year longitudinal study on French-English bilingual children who attend an international state (public) school in France. The study follows two groups of children: the first from first to fifth grade, and the second from fifth to ninth grade. The INEXDEB project explores the impact of exposure on dual language development and identity.
Cathy Cohen is Associate Professor in Lyon 1 University and ICAR Laboratory
69007 Lyon