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Call for applications

Fulbright/Collegium Fellowship

From February 21, 2025 to September 15, 2025

Thanks to the partnership between the Franco-American Fulbright Commission and the Collegium de Lyon, candidates for one of the three national Fulbright scholarship programmes All disciplines, French studies, Fulbright-Tocqueville, who wish to be hosted in a research unit at the Lyon/Saint-Étienne university site, are eligible for a fellowship from the Collegium.

The Collegium's Fulbright Chair, open to researchers from the United States, includes :
- all-inclusive housing in the Collegium residence on the ENS de Lyon campus,
- assistance with administrative formalities,
- integration into the 2026-2027 interdisciplinary cohort of international fellows.
- a grant (from 3 to 6 months, depending on the programme) paid by the Fulbright Commission
- a travel and visa package paid for by the Fulbright Commission.

Scholars interested in the Collegium fellowship program are asked to include a letter of support from the director of the targeted research unit at the University of Lyon with their Fulbright application.

- 15 September 2025: Deadline for applications
- End of February 2026: Notification of results to applicants
- 1st September 2026: Reception at the Collegium de Lyon

Full details and the online application platform can be found on the following Fulbright links, depending on the programme:
- All disciplines,
- French Studies,
- Fulbright-Tocqueville