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Inria Fellowship of the Collegium of Lyon


The Collegium and the Lyon Inria Center have entered into a new multi-year partnership to host an international fellow for a period of 5 to 10 months each academic year, between September and June. The fellowship is open to scholars who hold a professorship or an equivalent research position at an academic institution outside of France and who have developed a research project in digital science and technology that matches the interests of a local Inria research team.

The Collegium's Inria fellowship includes:

  • All-inclusive accommodation (excluding household insurance) in an apartment in the Collegium de Lyon residence and assistance with administrative formalities;
  • Academic integration into the Collegium's interdisciplinary cohort of international fellows in residence, with participation in the weekly internal seminar and other scientific activities;
  • Payment of travel expenses, as well as a compensatory stipend if the candidate is on a partially funded leave of absence from their home institution.
Important dates:
  •     Deadline for applications: end of January
  •     Publication of results: mid-February

Inria website