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Marie Claire Villeval : Unethical behavior, social norms and incentives
On The February 19, 2020
Dishonesty takes a variety of forms (tax evasion, corruption, book cooking, etc.) and it has major implications for economic growth and trust in society. The standard "economics of crime" approach, according to which individuals misbehave as a result of the comparison of costs and benefits, has shown its limits to analyze decision making in the ethical domain.
Under the influence of behavioral economics, the role of monetary incentives and moral norms on unethical behavior has been reconsidered. During her talk, Marie Claire Villeval will bring together recent research in behavioral economics and field and laboratory experiments to analyze how and when individuals misbehave, and whether deterrence institutions and punishment are always the solution to discourage such misbehavior.
Marie Claire Villeval is Research Professor in economics at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). She serves as the director of GATE-Lab at the University of Lyon, France. Her research uses laboratory and field experiments to investigate individual and social decision-making in public economics and personnel economics, with particular interest in cheating, incentives, and cooperation. Her work has been published in American Economic Review, Management Science, The Economic Journal, among others. She has been awarded the Silver Medal of CNRS in 2017.
69007 Lyon