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Urban studies - Canada

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Urban studies



This research project aims to compare some urban projects, largely planned and implemented in metropolitan aeras, in Canada and France: transit-oriented development (T.O.D.) and eco-districts. These urban projects are compared in terms of taking into account the daily mobility vulnerabilities of resident populations. Sustainable neighbourhoods primarily promote greener and sustainable travels by reducing the use of private cars. But the daily mobility of individuals depends on many factors, both exogenous (transport supply, location of activities, etc.) and endogenous (budget, physical capacities, etc.). Depending on the resources available, their mobility may be more or less comfortable, efficient, costly or safe. In this context, to what extent do the proposed mobility conditions and norms (transport supply and spatial development) meet the travel needs of resident populations? The public policy approach focuses on the analysis of modalities, processes and instruments of public action to understand the substantive choices of urban policies in this field. This project is an extension of our work on urban-transport coordination and the consideration of social inequalities in French and Canadian urban policies. It also extends our ongoing research on T.O.D. in Canada by examining another national context. An international comparison on these issues is innovative in urban studies. T.O.D. and eco-districts are very rarely compared, even though these two types of operational urban planning share many common points (issues, objectives, planning parties) and challenges for implementation (cooperation, instruments, stakeholder support, etc.). The comparison highlights convergences and differences in cultures, norms and practices in this area.

Activities / Resume


Florence Paulhiac Scherrer has been an Associate Professor with the Department of Urban and Tourism Studies at the École des Sciences de la gestion (management school), at the UQAM- Université du Québec à Montréal, since 2011, after having worked as an Associate Professor at the Institut d'urbanisme de Grenoble (2005-2011). Since 2015, she has held the In.SITU Research Chair on Innovations in integrated transport-urban planning strategies ( Her research deal with urban policy and planning issues in the field of urban planning, transport management and urban daily mobility, from the perspective of coherence and policy instruments. These research objects have come from different European and North American contexts for more than 20 years and have contributed to rich cross-fertilized perspectives, notably on French and Canadian situations. Her research also proposes transfers to decision support and several of them have taken place within the framework of action-research schemes (on the evaluation of the coherence of transportation planning in France; on the role of public participation in the production of sustainable urban development planning in Grenoble, Lyon and Montreal; on knowledge of daily mobility and changes in urban collective action in the Greater Lyon area). Currently, she is conducting a SSHRC research project (2015-2020) on T.O.D. in Canada: evaluation of an urban-transport coordination instrument that proposes to analyze the processes and implementation modalities of transit-oriented projects in 4 major metropolitan areas (Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa-Gatineau and Montreal).



  • Négron Poblete P. et F. Paulhiac Scherrer 2017) Villes à vivre : le quotidien métropolitain entre mobilité et ancrages, Québec : Presses Universitaires de Laval.
  • Combe L., Gariépy, M. Gauthier M., Paulhiac Scherrer F. et F. Scherrer (2012), Débattre pour transformer l’action urbaine. Planification urbaine et développement durable à Grenoble, Lyon et Montréal, Montréal, PUM.
  • Chalas Y. et F.Paulhiac (dir.) (2008) La mobilité qui fait la ville, Lyon, CERTU.


  • Maulat J., Paulhiac Scherrer F. et F. Scherrer (2018) « Les projets novateurs de Transit-oriented development dans le Grand Montréal : conception, mise en œuvre et effets d’un nouvel instrument d’urbanisme », Métropoles (à paraître)
  • Paulhiac Scherrer F. (2016) « A la recherche des politiques de mobilité durable au Québec » dans M.Gariépy et O.Baillargeaon (dir.) Gouvernance et planification participative, Montréal, Presses universitaires de Montréal.
  • Dushina A., Paulhiac Scherrer F., Scherrer F. (2015) « Les projets de Transit Oriented Development : un nouvel instrument de coopération aménagement/transport ? Le cas de Sainte-Thérèse dans le Grand Montréal », Flux, juillet-décembre 2015, 101-102
  • Chardonnel S., Paulhiac Scherrer F., Scherrer F., (2012), « La prise en compte des inégalités socio-spatiales dans les politiques de mobilité : Vers de nouvelles catégories de pensée et d’action », VertigO, Numéro thématique La mobilité urbaine durable: du concept à la réalité, mai 2012.
  • Paulhiac F., Kaufmann V. (2006), « Transports Urbains à Montréal : Evolution des référentiels et enjeux d’une politique durable », Revue d’Economie Régionale Urbaine, Bordeaux, n°1, 1-176, pp.49-80.