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Sverre Raffnsøe - Public Classes #2 - 2021 Ecole Urbaine de Lyon
On The April 30, 2021
From human history to geo-history. (April 30, 6 p.m.). The conversation will focus on anthropogenic climate change, the greatest threat human civilization has ever faced, and its broad implications for understanding history.
A discussion with Dipesh Chakrabarty, professor of history, civilisation and south-asian languages at Chicago University.
Link to the full vidéo
He is the author of The Climate of History in a Planetary Age (University of Chicago Press, à paraître en 2021) ; The Crises of Civilization : Exploring Global and Planetary Histories (Oxford University Press, 2019) ; The Human Condition in the Anthropocene (Tanner Lectures sur les valeurs humaines, données à l'université de Yale les 18 et 19 février 2015) ; The Climate of History: Four Theses (Critical Inquiry) ; Provincialiser l’Europe. La pensée postcoloniale et la différence historique, traduction : Olivier Ruchet, Nicolas Vieillescazes (Éditions Amsterdam, 2009).
Sverre Raffnsøe is Professor of Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School and editor-in-chief of the international journal Foucault Studies. He is a 2020/2021 Collegium de Lyon Fellow.