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Calls for application
Calls for stays during the academic year 2025-2026
- 202412 NOV 25 NOV
The Collegium of Lyon and the H2O’Lyon Graduate School of Research in Water Science have entered into a new multi-year partnership to host an international fellow for a period of 5 to 10 months each academic year, between September and June. The fellowship is open to scholars who hold a professorship or an equivalent research position at an academic institution outside of France. Applicants are invited to submit a research project focused on freshwater issues that matches the interests of a local H2O'Lyon partner laboratory.
- 202402 SEP 25 OCT
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of the Université de Lyon is pleased to announce a call for applications for Collegium fellowships, which will provide accommodation in its residence for one or two semesters from September 2025 to June 2026 (one-semester fellowships run from September to December/January and from January/February to June).
- 202427 MAY 16 SEP