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Calls for application
Calls for stays during the academic year 2025-2026
- 202516 JAN 17 MAR
The University of São Paulo (USP) and the Collegium de Lyon have just signed a new multi-year partnership that will see a USP researcher take up a 5-month residency each year, from September to January or from February to June. The chair is open to full professors affiliated to the USP. Applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from the director of the research unit affiliated to USP, as well as another letter from the director of the research unit of one of the institutions in the Lyon-Saint-Étienne academic ecosystem that will host the selected candidate. All fields of academic research are eligible.
- 202412 NOV 25 NOV
The Collegium of Lyon and the H2O’Lyon Graduate School of Research in Water Science have entered into a new multi-year partnership to host an international fellow for a period of 5 to 10 months each academic year, between September and June. The fellowship is open to scholars who hold a professorship or an equivalent research position at an academic institution outside of France. Applicants are invited to submit a research project focused on freshwater issues that matches the interests of a local H2O'Lyon partner laboratory.
- 202402 SEP 25 OCT
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of the Université de Lyon is pleased to announce a call for applications for Collegium fellowships, which will provide accommodation in its residence for one or two semesters from September 2025 to June 2026 (one-semester fellowships run from September to December/January and from January/February to June).
- 202427 MAY 16 SEP
- Inria/Collegium Fellowship
The Collegium and the Lyon Inria Center have entered into a new multi-year partnership to host an international fellow for a period of 5 to 10 months each academic year, between September and June. The fellowship is open to scholars who hold a professorship or an equivalent research position at an academic institution outside of France and who have developed a research project in digital science and technology that matches the interests of a local Inria research team.