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Conferences and workshops
Each year, the fellows of the Collegium de Lyon organize scientific events such as international conferences, workshops, symposia, roundtables, etc..
Those events are planned in partnership with the laboratories and research teams in the academic site of Lyon Saint-Etienne. They may be mainly academic or be intended for a broader audience. They may be supported by and/or intended for socio-economic partners (private or public firms, associations, public decision-makers, local public authorities, etc.) or they can be developped as part of a doctoral training.
Upcoming events
- 202521 JAN 22 JAN
- 202425 NOV
This research workshop is organised by Alberto Frigo (Università degli Studi di Milano), visiting researcher at the Collegium as part of his collaboration with IHRIM and Labex COMOD.
- 202422 NOV
This workshop is co-organized by the Hub “Post-Western Sociology” and Research Field “Policies of Knowledge” of the Triangle laboratory.
Past events
- 202420 JUN 21 JUN
- 202429 MAY
What are the contemporary social dynamics in Central Asia and how do global dynamics permeate the region? How can the analysis of personal and collective trajectories contribute to an understanding of these dynamics on a regional scale and from a global perspective? This study day aims to provide some answers to these questions from the perspective of various disciplines - history, geography, sociology, anthropology, public law and political science - and at the crossroads of two intellectual traditions, that of Kazakhstan and that of France.
- 202429 APR 30 APR
- 202402 FEB 03 FEB