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David Milan : Geomorphic response and recovery of upland river catchments to extreme floods
On The June 21, 2021
10:00 à 12:00
Implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world: Extreme rainfall events can result in dynamic responses to upland river systems; activating the sediment system at the catchment-scale, increasing sediment transport, and initiating channel morphological change.
This seminar focuses on the dramatic response of Thinhope Burn, a headwater tributary to the River South Tyne, UK, to a flood in the summer of 2007. Modelling and field studies, conducted over the last 13 yrs, suggest that once upland river systems are activated, many may not recover in a wetter climatic regime, hence having implications for future gravel management for flood defence in upland rivers in the UK.
David Milan is Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography at the University of Hull, United Kingdom and a 2020-2021 at the Collegium de Lyon.
David Milan is Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography at the University of Hull, United Kingdom and a 2020-2021 at the Collegium de Lyon.