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Symposium / Seminar
Emotion, Affect, Feeling: Methodologies From Across the Disciplines
Le 13 May 2019 De 10:00 à 12:00
Le 13 May 2019 De 10:00 à 12:00
10h00 à 12h00
Salle de réunion, allée B, rez-de-chaussée
Organized Lindsey Dodd, Thiago Chacon, Todd Reeser, Brady Wagoner, Erika Wicky,
The seminar will be an interdisciplinary round table with substantial time for discussion titled “Emotion, Affect, Feeling: Methodologies From Across the Disciplines.”
After a brief introduction to terminology, each of the five of us will talk on our disciplinary tools for studying “emotion,” “feeling,” or “affect” [not the same things]. There will be theoretical aspects, specific examples, a Powerpoint, and other interesting items.
Then we will invite you to offer your thoughts on the role of these objects of inquiry in your home disciplines or in other disciplines. This is meant to be an open dialogue for all fellows about broad questions of methodology and not about our specific projects [including limits to studying these topics].
92 rue PasteurAfter a brief introduction to terminology, each of the five of us will talk on our disciplinary tools for studying “emotion,” “feeling,” or “affect” [not the same things]. There will be theoretical aspects, specific examples, a Powerpoint, and other interesting items.
Then we will invite you to offer your thoughts on the role of these objects of inquiry in your home disciplines or in other disciplines. This is meant to be an open dialogue for all fellows about broad questions of methodology and not about our specific projects [including limits to studying these topics].
69007 Lyon