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Main call for 2024-2025 applications


The main call for applications to be a Fellow in 2024-2025 at the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of Lyon - Collegium is open from April 17 2023 to June 6 2023.
Results: January 2024

Download the call : English or French


The call comprizes 2 different sub-calls:

1/ Call for collective applications:
This call invites groups of at least 2 researchers, necessarily composed both of members of the research community of the University of Lyon (*) and of researchers external to this community (**), in particular of researchers affiliated with a foreign academic institution, to propose the realization of collaborative research projects in partnership with the Institute for Advanced Study of Lyon. The main material contribution of the Institute to these partnerships is the financial and logistic support of the scientific visit of the member(s) of the project external to the University of Lyon, who must to this end apply in parallel individually to the European FIAS funding program.

2/ Call for individual applications:
This call invites researchers external to the research community of the University of Lyon (**), and in particular researchers affiliated with a foreign academic institution, to apply to the European FIAS funding program for the realization of an individual research project in the context of a scientific visit at the University of Lyon and in partnership with its Institute for Advanced Study.

* Members of the research community of Lyon are all investigators ('chercheurs') or academics ('enseignants chercheurs') affiliated at the time of the call with an institution that is a full or an associate member of the University of Lyon [see list]
** In the context of this call run in part with the financial help of the European FIAS funding program, a researcher external to the University of Lyon is defined as a researcher who did not have France as its main place of residence or of principal activity (work, study...) between June 6 2020 and June 6 2023.
  •  General scientific perimeter of the call:
Both collective and individual research projects must fall in the area of the study of the human being, broadly defined as all types of investigations dealing with any of the various dimensions of human reality (from its physico-biological aspects to its socio-cultural ones), and manifest a clear ambition to contribute to the progress of this area.
  •  Selection of the appropriate sub-call:
Researchers external to the University of Lyon can answer the call either through a collective application or through an individual one, but not through both. They must in each case apply individually for funding to the European FIAS program. Members of the research community of the University of Lyon can answer the call through a collective application only, and do not apply to the European FIAS program.
  •  Language of the call:
All applications must be submitted in English so as to be examined by an international jury.
  •  General volume of the call:
For the overall call, the Institute for Advanced Study of Lyon will accept a maximum of 10 researchers external to the University of Lyon and funded by the FIAS Program.
  •  General scientific policy of the call:
. The objective of the call is to build around the Institute for Advanced Study of Lyon a temporary
research community that integrates into the larger research community of the University of Lyon so as to enrich it scientifically, develop its external collaborations and increase its aura.
. Researchers external to the University of Lyon who answer the call through collective applications around collaborative research projects with members of the University of Lyon are of prior interest to the Institute.
. The call targets in priority confirmed researchers.
. The main criterion of selection is the scientific excellence of the project, that must fully illustrate the idea of advanced research and state with all needed precision and rigor the issue it addresses, its context and goals, as well as its projected realizations and their calendar of execution.
. Selected Fellows commit themselves to fully participate in the scientific life of the Institute, in particular by taking part in all the collective research activities that it organizes and by developing research initiatives.


  •  Scientific objectives of the call:
The call intends primarily to facilitate the collaboration of the members of the research community of the University of Lyon, both among themselves and with international researchers, around projects that challenge the limits of established research frameworks, particularly by their needs in terms of scientific competences or by their multidisciplinary dimension. In this perspective, special attention will be given to collaborative projects that involve researchers from several research structures of the University of Lyon and several disciplinary fields, as well as to projects that open mid or long term perspectives of collaboration.
  • General functioning principles of collaborative projects:
A collaborative project is a scientific partnership between its research members, the structures of the research community of the University of Lyon with which they are affiliated and the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of Lyon. It must be headed by one of the members belonging to the research community of the University of Lyon. The external researchers who participate in it must obtain from one of the involved research structures an affiliation as an invited researcher for the length of their visit.
All the members of the project become Fellows of the Institute for Advanced Study of Lyon for the duration of the project, although with a different status: as University of Lyon Fellows or as external Fellows. University of Lyon Fellows are fully integrated into the scientific life of the Institute and commit themselves to actively participate in it, within the limits of their other professional duties. They nevertheless receive no living allowance of any kind from the Institute and cannot benefit from its lodging resources. External Fellows receive an allowance of 2700 euros per month, or a net salary of an equivalent amount, depending on their employment situation. They can benefit from a free apartment at the Institute, but can choose to be housed at their own expenses outside of the Institute. They receive a total allowance of 1250 euros for travelling to and returning from the Institute. They can be accompanied by their immediate family (partner and children).
The realization of the collaborative project takes place both in the involved research structures and at the Institute for Advanced Study, that makes its research resources available to it. The distribution depends on the nature of the project and on the adequacy of the ressources of the Institute.
Collaborative projects must benefit from independent funding for their scientific activities, and can be to this end part of more global research projects. The main material contribution of the Institute for Advanced Study of Lyon is to make possible, at the above mentioned conditions, the scientific visit at the University of Lyon of their external members. The Institute can also contribute up to 5000 euros to the organization of scientific manifestations related to the project. In addition, publications related to the project are eligible to the financial help for publishing offered by the Institute.
The collaborative research projects must be 10 month long and run from September 1st 2024 to June 30 2025, even if they are submitted as a part of a more global research project with different duration and dates. The scientific visits of the external members of the collaborative project must also be 10 month long long and take place between September 1st 2024 and June 30 2025.
No formal limit is imposed by the Institute on the number of external researchers participating to a collaborative project, but this number must be proportional to the general volume of the overall call and remain compatible with the mission of the Institute to be at the service of the entire research community of the University of Lyon.
  •  Specific scientific perimeter of the call:
Collaborative research projects can either fall freely in the general area of the call ( see above, § I) or fall in one of the following 3 thematic sub-areas:
a/ Societal, ethical and juridical implications of the developments of artificial intelligence;
b/ Scientific knowledge and artistic creation;
c/ Contemporary geopolitical transformations.

Among projects of equivalent scientific standing, the Institute will give priority to those falling in these thematic sub-areas.
  •  Application process:
a) Setting up the collaborative project:
The setting up of collaborative projects is the responsibility of the sole candidates. A collaborative project may be initiated by researchers external to the University of Lyon, who must then make all necessary contacts with relevant members of the research community of the University of Lyon, or by members of this research community themselves.
If necessity arises, the direction of the Institute for Advanced Study can be contacted for assistance in the identification of scientific partners.
b) Submitting the colllaborative project:
The submission of a collaborative process involves two parallel processes of application:
1°/ The member of the University of Lyon research community who heads the project must submit an application dossier providing all necessary information about it to the Institute for Advanced Study. This application dossier includes:
A/ A document of presentation of the project (10 pages maximum), offering in particular a clear and detailed specification of:
. the scientific content, context and objectives
. the composition of the team
. the scientific justification for the invitation of the external member(s)
. the programmed phases of execution and activities
. the provisional calendar of execution
. the budget (available and requested funds, estimated costs...)
. the expected publications
. the envisaged further perspectives
B/ The following application form: DOWNLOAD
C/ The Vitae of all members of the project
All these documents must be sent in a single PDF file before the closing date of the call to the following addresss:
2°/ The researchers external to the research community of the University of Lyon who
participate in the project must submit in parallel and directly to the FIAS funding program a separate individual application that conforms to the specific requirements of this program.
The research project included in this application must be an explicitly personalized version of the collaborative project, detailing how it articulates with the research interests of the applicant and the precise role the applicant plays in it.
In addition, this application must also include a letter from the head of one of the structures of the research community of the University of Lyon involved in the collaborative projective, certifying that the applicant will be affiliated as an invited reseacher with this research structure from September 1st 2024 to June 30 2025 and specifying the material conditions of the affiliation (workspace, access to ressources...). Applications missing such a letter will not be considered.
Applications to the FIAS programs must be made before the closing date of the call
through the following address:
  •  Selection process:
Applications to the FIAS program of the members of the collaborative project who are external to the University of Lyon are firstly submitted to a preselection by the Scientific Committee of this program. Pre-selected applications are then submitted to the Scientific Committee of the Institute for Advanced Study of Lyon, who examines the two elements of the collective application together and operates the final selection.


  •  Scientific objectives of the call:
This call invites researchers external to the University of Lyon, in particular researchers from foreign academic institutions, to submit individual research projects to be realized at the University of Lyon in the context of a double affiliation with its Institute for Advanced Study and with a relevant structure of its research community.
Although centered around the realization of a personal research project, these scientific visits are meant to serve as opportunities for acquiring better knowledge of the ressources of the University of Lyon as well as for sowing the seeds of future scientific collaborations with it. In this perspective, successful applicants must commit themselves to fully participate in the scientific life of the Institute, as well to develop a strong interaction with the research structures that host them.
  • General functioning principles of individual projects:
Successful applicants enjoy the status of external Fellows of the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of Lyon during their scientific visit, that must be 10 month long and take place between September 1 2024 and June 30 2025. As such, they have access to all the work ressources of the Institute. They can also benefit from a free apartment at the Institute, or choose to be housed outside at their own expenses. Depending on their employment situation, they receive an allowance of 2700 euros per month or a net salary of an equivalent amount, as well as a total allowance of 1250 euros for travelling to and returning from the Institute. They can be accompanied by their immediate family (partner and children).
External Felows are affiliated in parallel as visiting researchers with a relevant structure of the research community of the University of Lyon, that provides them with the specific scientific environment adequate to their research project and additional research ressources.
The realization of the project takes place both in the involved research structure and at the Institute for Advanced Study. The distribution depends on the nature of the project and on the adequacy of the ressources of the Institute.
In order to facilitate their interaction into the research community of the University of Lyon, external Fellows are eligible during their visit to a financial help of a maximum of 2500 euros from the Institute for organizing scientific manifestations, as well as to a financial help for publications related to their individual research project.
  •  Scientific perimeter of the call:
All projects falling in the general scientific perimeter of the call (see above, § I) are eligible.
  •  Application process:
Candidates must submit directly to the European FIAS funding program an application fully conform with the application rules of this program.
Submission must be made though the following address before the closing date of the call:
The presentation of the research project included in this application must clearly and precisely specify:
. the scientific content, context and objectives
. the programmed phases of execution and activities
. the scientific justification of the selection of the research structure of affiliation
. the details of the envisaged interaction with this research structure
. the provisional calendar of all foreseen realizations
. the expected publications
. the envisaged further perspectives
Candidates must also join to their application a letter from the head of one of the structures of the research community of the University of Lyon, certifying that they will be affiliated as an invited reseacher with this research structure from September 1st 2024 to June 30 2025, and specifying the material conditions of their affiliation (workspace, access to ressources...). It is the responsibility of the candidates to make all necessary contacts to this effect. Applications missing the required letter will not be considered.
It is also recommended to join to the application a letter from one or two members of the research community of the University of Lyon affiliated with this same research structure and who will be the privileged scientific interlocutors of the applicant.
  •  Selection process:
Applications are firstly submitted to a preselection by the Scientific Committee of the FIAS program. Pre-selected applications are then submitted to the Scientific Committee of the Institute for Advanced Study of Lyon, who operates the final selection.