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Structuring linguistic noise
Le 24 juin 2019
10h00 to 12h00
Présentation en anglais
Présentation en anglais
Salle de réunion - Allée B - Rez-de-chaussée
Prof. Arthur Stepanov (Center for Cognitive Science of Language - University of Nova Gorica - arthur.stepanov@ung.si) : The children's remarkable capacity for syntactic segmentation
How do young children acquiring their native language master complex abstract properties of adult sentences, more specifically, their syntactic structure? A good portion of recent research in child language acquisition is devoted to the nature of 'segmentation' strategies allowing children to deduce some of these abstract structural properties from the linguistic input they are exposed to, and the role of linguistic (e.g. prosodic), cognitive (e.g. working memory, probabilistic) and experience (e.g. bilingualism, music training) factors that affect the segmentation task. In this talk I give a broad outline of this research agenda including our own work and reflect on promising new directions that emerge in this domain.
92 rue Pasteur69007 Lyon