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The Collegium de Lyon seminar
The fellows of the Collegium de Lyon meet every Monday morning (or on Thursdays if the Monday is a public holiday) to discuss their research projects. The seminar includes one presentation by a fellow and a discussion around the research project. Each fellow gives one or two presentations per year, so that they can discuss their project and their progress.
The seminar is intended for the fellows of the Collegium de Lyon and their scientific partners. Researchers, students and doctoral students from Lyon/Saint-Etienne are also welcome.
The seminar takes place between 10am and 12 noon in the Institute offices.
programme 2020-2021
- 21 JUNDavid Milan : Geomorphic response and recovery of upland river catchments to extreme floods
Implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world:Extreme rainfall events can result in dynamic responses to upland river systems; activating the sediment system at the catchment-scale, increasing sediment transport, and initiating channel morphological change.
- 14 JUNDorthe Staunæs: Data Sense and the Will (Not) to Know
In this presentation, I take my cue from the current datafication in education. The analysis and material is developed in the recently published book Datasans (Data Sense) (Staunæs, Bjerg, Juelskjær & Olesen 2021).
- 07 JUNRobert Pyka : Innovation places and the new architecture of the creative city.
From decreed to diffused and bottom-up creativity and social innovations:The seminar will be devoted to the presentation of the first observations relating to the research project, the objective of which is to grasp and understand the emergence of creativity and social innovations focused on urban commons by identifying “places of innovation”. in the metropolitan areas of Lyon and Saint-Etienne.
- 25 MAYEdith Kauffer : Sediments, politics and policies in the Usumacinta river basin: sand and gravels from the main river and its Mexican tributaries
What do we mean by politics and policy issues related to sediments? The seminar deals with a three points-proposal: a theoretical perspective, analytical viewpoints and a political and legal advocacy attempt.
- 10 MAYAlexander Doinikov: Bubbles and whatnot
The first part of the seminar is devoted to the symbolism expressed by bubbles and second part to physical phenomenons..
- 26 APRNate Johnson : Measuring Inequality in Higher Education Funding
- 06 APRFilippo Del Lucchese 2/2 : The problem of monstrosity in the 17th century - meaning and function of a metaphor.
In this seminar, I will present the progress of my work on monstrosity and the specific form it takes in the 17th century.
- 22 MARBrady Wagoner: Making meaning of memorials - Materialising grief and memory
This presentation explores the meaning of memorials through a brief historical survey and in a study of people’s experience as they interact with them in-situ.
- 08 MARAimée Boutin : Moving forward, or Standing still? Women Writers and the Railway in Nineteenth-Century France
This project on nineteenth-century French women writers explores how the railway increased their freedom of movement while also imposing and exposing unequal norms for male and female passengers. The presentation also examines the impact of locomotion on French women’s writing, to dispel the image of the woman writer as a bystander of industrial modernity.
- 22 FEBEdith Kauffer : Sediments in the Usumacinta transboundary river basin: What about political issues?
As a by-product from the French-Mexican VAL-USES project funded by an ANR-Conacyt call, this research is proposing to analyse political issues associated with sediment extraction along the Mexican part of the Usumacinta river basin, a transboundary territory shared with Guatemala. Fieldwork in the river basin was realized in 13 locations on three rivers in small villages and towns to observe a diversity of mechanisms of extraction, uses and local organisations.
- 25 JANDavid Milan : Recent advances and application of new technologies in gravel-bed river science
This presentation reviews the progress that has been made in monitoring sediment transport processes and morphological change in gravel-bed rivers over the last decade, and outlines how new technologies are being used in ongoing collaborative projects with EVS Lyon and INRAE Grenoble.
- 11 JANAlexander Doinikov: Medical bubbles
The lecture will be devoted to the application of gas microbubbles in ultrasound medicine. I will tell about physical mechanisms underlying this technique and achievements of our research team in the study of these mechanisms.
- 14 DECRobert Pyka : Looking for social innovation places in Metropolises
In my presentation I will focus on metropolises which cumulate the most important challenges. At the same time metropolises can be seen as a promise of a better future.
- 30 NOVFilippo Del Lucchese : The problem of monstrosity in the 17th century - meaning and function of a metaphor.
In this seminar, I will introduce the question of monstrosity and the specific form it takes in the 17th century.
- 12 OCTSverre Raffnsøe : The Anthropocene as a Cosmological Turn
As urgent as it may be, the discussion of global warming as the greatest ever threat to human civilization is but one example that the overall ‘climate’ on Earth is changing to such an extent that survival is at risk. This issue should be understood within the wider context of the Anthropocene. Since it forms an overarching framework for understanding the significance of climate change, population growth, environmental strains and other global Grand Challenges, the Anthropocene is arguable among the most important and wide-ranging questions of our time.
- 28 SEPAn Van linden: Let’s give hands – and arrows: (in)alienable possession in Amazonian languages and beyond
This talk introduces the notion of inalienable possession – an area where human cognition and grammar intertwine – and looks at inalienability phenomena in Harakmbut, an endangered isolate language spoken in the Peruvian Amazon.
programme 2019-2020
- 202022 JUN
How are migration issues tackled during municipal elections? What does the health crisis, which meanwhile became a political crisis, teach us about such issues?
- 202022 JUN
In this talk, I show how it is that reflection on habit leads to reflection on time as duration, and how it is possible to argue that, at bottom, time is really the most fundamental form of habit.
- 202015 JUN
According to the main thesis of L’Esprit de Spinoza, religions were always used as instruments of political domination. In the Mémoire of Meslier, an author who agrees with this thesis, the situation seems to be different because, according to the priest, ignorance and superstition play a very important role not only among the dominated, but also among some of those who exercise power.
- 202015 JUN
Liberalism is a response to the theologico-political problem which produced religious and political divisions in early modern Europe
- 202008 JUN
The French higher education system is original in that it is not, as in most other countries, built around the hegemony of the university model, to which even specific establishments, such as engineering schools or business schools, rallied.
- 202008 JUN
The region is currently undergoing major changes at the political, economic, social and cultural-technological levels. The question we will try to answer is the following: To what extent, and in what ways, could culture, as a cross-cutting tool for sustainable development, be a driving force in the reshaping of cultural policies in the region?
- 202002 JUN
Dyslexia is the most common, language-based, learning disorder and one of its most pervasive manifestations is weak spelling skills. Many individuals with dyslexia also have poorly legible and disfluent handwriting, handwriting being a skill of the motor domain.
- 202002 JUN
How to react to terrorist attacks? The question is not only important in today’s political debates about how to ‘fight’, and how not to fight, terrorism, but has been so since terrorism emerged as a peculiar form of political violence in the 19th century.
- 202025 MAY
The inclusion of migrants in a society is a key mechanism to the pathway towards the promotion of overall health and well-being, social cohesion, and political participation.
- 202018 MAY
What is the status of French & Francophone Studies (FFS) at American colleges and universities?
- 202011 MAY
We will study the role of environment, geography and landscape, in general, in the process of emergence and production of meaning for signs in the early Bronze Age and Iron Age societies in Mesopotamia, Southwestern Iranian Plateau and the Nile Valley from a comparative perspective. To do this the most prominent and common symbols from these regions are selected and the process, since their very early representation in artworks to the production of meaning for them have been studied from a semiotic perspective. The results of this study demonstrates that there is a close relationship between the symbols as well as the meaning and significance they convey in various societies.
- 202011 MAY
The revolutionary poet Vladimir Maiakovskii set out to write a commemorative poem after Lenin’s death, completing it almost a year later. His poem Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was published by Leningrad’s State Publishing House (Gosizdat) as a separate edition in February 1925, featuring no illustrations. It remains a question of what kind of cinépoetry book it would be had it been accompanied by a series of photomontages that the two constructivist graphic artists, Sergei Senkin and Gustav Klutsis, created soon after, inspired by Maikovskii’s verses. The talk represents a quest for the cinépoetry book’s spectral materiality.
- 202009 MAR
The most prominent archaeological site at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains is containing the ruins of two fortresses: Old and New Nisa. They are situated in the south-west of Ashgabat. Old Nisa was the residence (or ceremonial centre) of the kings of the Parthian Empire from the Arsacid dynasty (the mid 3rd century BCE to the early 3rd century CE) and New Nisa, 1.5 km to the north-west of Old Nisa, was representing the adjacent city.
- 202017 FEB
We will present a methodological and theoretical framework for the study of large collections of visual materials. Our framework, distant viewing, is distinguished from other approaches by making explicit the interpretive nature of extracting semantic metadata from images. In other words, one must ‘view’ visual materials before studying them.
- 202010 FEB
This project explores how the experimental styles and narrative ethos of authors of the French Nouveau Roman influenced Maghrebi authors of French expression from the late 1950s to the present post-postcolonial era.
- 202003 FEB
This presentation aims to provide an overview of the resettlement and the reception of exiles in French cities since 2015. After a brief contextualization of the so-called "refugee crisis," Dr. Aude-Claire Fourot will present preliminary results on the local impacts of international migration.
- 202027 JAN
Based on her qualitative and quantitative data collection thus far, she will highlight the precursory conditions that drive migration, and how post-migration, paradoxically, certain migrant groups are exposed to increased health risks and negative health outcomes.
- 202020 JAN
The presentation, based on the forthcoming book Unmaking Americans, describes the history of citizenship stripping in the United States through the voices of those who lost their citizenship.
- 202013 JAN
My project concerns accounts of the nature of habit in the history of modern French philosophy since 1800. Throughout this period of French thought, habit is a pivotal philosophical and metaphysical question. The issue of habit concerns not just the nature of mind, but also how we conceive nature itself. Competing schools of thought throughout the period not only offer diverging views on habit, but also define and establish themselves in doing so.
- 202006 JAN
This presentation is based on the first chapter of Sonia Mbarek-Rais‘s study project "Culture, politics and democracy in the Maghreb, issues, challenges and perspectives".
- 201916 DEC
The aim of this project is an in-depth review of the HBV and HDV variants infecting the Americas and evaluate their pathogenicity in terms of severe presentations of these diseases. In addition, a devastating HIV epidemic affecting Warao Amerindians from the Orinoco Delta will also be described.
- 201909 DEC
This presentation, based on the first chapter of Ming Chong's project, is an analysis of nature and history in Montesquieu's thought. History is the main tool in the knowledge of modernity for Montesquieu. He is not, however, an historian or a positivist because he measures the history by the nature or the universal principles. Yet, the nature of the human being shows three aspects in Montesquieu. The interactions and tensions between the physical nature, the moral nature and the social nature illustrated by history are the key to understanding both the diversity and the universality of humanity. They also shed light on the legitimacy and ambiguity of modernity presented by Montesquieu.
- 201902 DEC
This talk will provide a general introduction to the diverse relations between the military and the theater in the French-speaking world from Louis XIV’s reign to Napoleon’s final defeat. Grounded in theater and performance studies and in the cultural history of the military, I provide a holistic examination of theater’s roles in creating early modern military cultures and of the military’s influence in changing the norms of dramatic literature and theatrical performance.
- 201925 NOV
Jean Meslier (1664-1729), priest of Etrépigny, left at his death a manuscript in which he develops an atheistic and materialistic philosophy. In general, my current research concerns the genesis, meaning and reception of Meslier’s thought. In particular, I propose to offer an interpretation of Meslier’s Mémoire des pensées et des sentiments (ca. 1729) from a specific point of view: the radical antagonism between the concepts of bon sens / droite raison and foi / créance aveugle.
- 201918 NOV
In the late 19th century Europe experienced an unprecedented wave of political assassination attempts and bomb attacks. These were mostly committed by anarchists under the term ‘propaganda by the deed’ and are often considered as the prototype of modern terrorism. The attacks failed to achieve their goal of mobilising the working classes, but they had a huge impact on the political space, notably due to the late 19th century media revolution.
- 201913 NOV
Weapons are one of the many findings in archaeological excavations. The extant archaeological literature has mainly focused on traditional studies of these weapons, such as typological and comparative studies. These studies are limited in that they only allow for typo-chronological information. However, when a systematic and multidisciplinary perspective is adopted to study weapons, this method contributes to extensive information about the societies in ancient times that used these weapons.
- 201904 NOV
The Neolithic Dzheitun culture (ca 6300 - 4500 BC), the period of the origin and early development of agricultural economies in Western Central Asia, was followed by the Chalcolithic Anau and Namazga cultures. The names of these cultures came from the names of two archaeological sites in southern Turkmenistan. The period Anau IA (4500 - ca 4000 BC) was period of the Neolithic to Chalcolithic transition in this region. For the history of Western Central Asia, this was a major era of social transformation caused by the technological change (e.g. introduction of irrigation farming, metallurgy), which allowed increasing economic production and exchange in turn leading to social stratification (i.e., the formation of “elites”). The main elements of the Dzheitun culture disappeared.
- 201914 OCT
In 1924 the self-taught artist Iurii Nikolaevich Rozhkov created a series of photomontages inspired by Vladimir Maiakovskii’s propagandistic ode to labor, “To the Workers of Kursk,” and the geological discovery of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA), the biggest iron-ore basin in the world. The series was first shown at the “Twenty Years of Work” exhibition in January 1930, which the poet himself curated. In the exhibition catalogue, Maiakovskii made note of Rozhkov’s work as: “A temporary monument. Rozhkov’s montages. To be printed.” Two months after the exhibition Maiakovskii committed suicide. Rozhkov’s photomontages remained unpublished during his lifetime.
- 201907 OCT
Most European languages use alphabetic orthographies, and these can vary extensively in their transparency, or letter-sound consistency. An important question in cross-linguistic research on literacy development considers the impact that orthographic consistency may have on the neuropsychological predictors as well as on the patterns of alphabetic spelling development.
- 201930 SEP
Exploratory research in the sciences and social sciences has increasingly turned to the analysis of large textual data sources. Common examples include electronic medical records, social media posts, online reviews, and digitized collections of books and periodicals.
- 201923 SEP
Ancient Athens developed democracy to a higher level than any other state before modern times. It was the leading cultural innovator of its age. Athens is rightly revered for its political and cultural achievements. Less well known is this state’s extraordinary record of military success. Athens transformed ancient warfare and became one of the ancient world’s superpowers.
programme 2018-2019
- 24 JUNStructuring linguistic noise
Prof. Arthur Stepanov (Center for Cognitive Science of Language - University of Nova Gorica - : The children's remarkable capacity for syntactic segmentation
- 17 JUNUsing “All of the Tree but the Smell”: The Building of Eastern Canadian Forestry, 1900-1940
Lisalou Martone (PhD candidate in history at the LER-Université Lyon 2 & the University of Ottawa) : This presentation will focus on the development of a productivity-oriented forest science in the first half of the XXth century in Canada’s eastern provinces, conceived as a “business proposition” aiming at making the forest pay.
- 11 JUNThe imaginary and symbolic world of the first farmers of levant between 9500 BC and 7000 BC
During this lecture presented by Thaer YARTAH, we will try, through the architectural and symbolic data of Tell ' Abr 3 and other Neolithic sites in levant, to penetrate more closely into the symbolic thought and mental constructions of Neolithic communities in this area.
- 03 JUNTo code or not to code: The school curriculum facing the digital revolution
Simone Martini, Aurélien Belot and John Hamman, Collegium de Lyon fellows, lead a discussion on the reasons for the trend to introduce computer sciences in many national school systems and under very different terminologies.
- 27 MAYJustice on Film: Legal Battles for Historical Truth
Lia Epperson, Collegium de Lyon fellow, offers a discussion based on some themes covered in the film "Denial"
- 20 MAY''Look who is talking!'' Perspective Shift in Natural Language
Organized by Marta Abrusan
- 13 MAYEmotion, Affect, Feeling: Methodologies From Across the Disciplines
Organized Lindsey Dodd, Thiago Chacon, Todd Reeser, Brady Wagoner, Erika Wicky,
- 06 MAYUrban production: an approach by instruments
Lucia Shimbo and Florence Paulhiac: A presentation based on the book "Understanding Public Policy through Its Instruments—From the Nature of Instruments to the Sociology of Public Policy Instrumentation", de Pierre Lascoumes et Patrick Le Galès (2007)
- 29 APRJean-Alexandre Perras - "The Paradoxical Value of Frivolity in 18th-century France"
Jean-Alexandre Perras is a research associate at the Maison Française and the Voltaire Foundation of Oxford University. His thesis (Montreal University / University Paris 8), dealt with the history of genius between the XVIth and XVIIIth centuries. On this topic, he published L’Exception exemplaire: Inventions et usages du génie (Garnier Classics, 2015). Pursuing his works on the issue of value under the Ancien Régime, he now focuses more specifically on the notion of frivolity and its bearings on the practices of sociability and literary hierarchies.
- 08 APRHervé Joly - Sources of prosopographic studies in France
- 01 APRAleksandar Boskovic - The meaning of Maya myths
The lecture will focus on the ways in which the ancient Maya have been studied, and the issues on whether it is possible to extend the analogies with the present-day Mayas. The Classic Maya built a fascinating civilization, which was firmly rooted in the ideology that involved beliefs in the inevitability of time changes, as well as in the complex sets of deities and spirits. The rulers had a special place in this microcosm, as they were believed to be direct descendants of the deities responsible for each city-state. Recent advancement in the decipherment of ancient Maya writing enables us to gain unprecedented insights into the structure and organization of their societies, as well as of the roles of the spiritual components in them.
- 25 MARBrady Wagoner: Memorials, mourning and memory
Memorials are sites for a group to remember the past as part of its identity and present challenges. Over the last hundred years there has been a shift in memorial forms from a figurative representation of heroes and victories to a modern, abstract focus on victims and loss, exemplified by Maya Lin’s 'Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial'. This talk will explore this change and analyse from a psychological perspective how visitors experience and interact with different kinds of memorial sites, including ‘Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe’ in Berlin and the ‘Ground Zero National September 11 Memorial’ in New York and ‘Valley of the Fallen’ in Spain. Brady Wagoner is Professor of Psychology and Director of the MA and PhD programs in Cultural Psychology at Aalborg University (Denmark).
- 18 MARRosa Vallejos - The role of shape and animacy in nominal classification: evidence from the Amazon
Languages throughout the world have dedicated mechanisms to specify information about the shape, animacy, consistency, size, location, or utility of the entities around us. An important question in linguistics is to what extent the nominal classification system of a language mirrors the way speakers see the world they live in, and to what extent the documented similarities reflect underlying, general cognitive processes in the human mind. Thus, an adequate theory of human language requires a broad sampling of diverse languages. Amazonian languages have been identified as a priority in this respect, since they are both poorly documented and highly endangered - Rosa Vallejos | Professeur associé de linguistiques à l'University du Nouveau Mexique, Albuquerque, USA
- 11 MARGordon Cumming _ In search of legitimacy? The case of French military intervention across the Sahel and Africa
Gordon Cumming | Professor of European Foreign Affairs and International Development in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Cardiff University - Professor Tony Chafer (Portsmouth University) - Dr Roel van der Velde (RA, Cardiff University)
- 04 MARGianni Paganini - What is a philosophical clandestine manuscript? XVI th - XVIII th century
Gianni Paganini | Professor of history of philosophy | University of Piedmont Orientale (Vercelli)
- 11 FEBAurélien Belot - Management and survival of cancer patients: impact of social deprivation in France and in England
Aurélien Belot | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine | Biostatistic | Partner laboratory : LBBE
- 04 FEBÉrika Wicky - “A painting is not made to be smelled”: An Olfactory History of Painting (18th–20th Century)
Érika Wicky | Histoiry of Art | Partner laboratory : LARHRA
- 28 JANEmmanuel Delille - A history of psychiatric epidemiology : The study of Chartres as a case study of investigation methods 1945 - 89
Emmanuel Delille | Humboldt university | History of sciences | Partner laboratory : IHRIM
- 21 JANHervé Joly :The French system of higher education - an historical approach
Hervé Joly | École Normale Supérieure de Lyon | History | Laboratory Triangle
- 14 JANLia Epperson - An Examination of the competing constitutional principles of expression and equality in the U.S. and France
Lia Epperson | American University | Law | Partner laboratory : EDPL
- 07 JANTodd Reeser - Transgender France : Universalism and Sexual Subjectivity
Todd Reeser | University of Pittsburg | French Studies | Partner laboratory : Centre Max Webber
- 17 DECLaurent Bartholdi - Self-similarity
Laurent Bartholdi | University Georg-August, Göttingen | Mathématics | Laboratoire partenaire : UMPA
- 10 DECAleksandar Boskovic - Rationality in Anthropology
Aleksandar Boskovic | University of Belgrade | Anthropology | Partner laboratory : LADEC
- 03 DECJohn Hamman - Influence and Illusion in Organizations
John Hamman | Florida State University | Economy | Partner laboratory : GATE
- 26 NOVAkbar Abedi - Socio-economic interactions between north-western Iran and the southern Caucasus during the Chalcolithic and Kura-Araxes periods
Akbar Abedi | Tabriz Islamic Arts University | Archéology | Partner laboratory : Archéorient
- 19 NOVSimone Martini - A conceptual history of programming languages
Simone Martini | University of Bologna | Computing sciences | Partner laboratory : LIP/IRPhil
- 12 NOVThiago Chacon - Evolution and typology of nominal classification in northwest amazonia
Thiago Chacon | University of Brasilia | Linguistic | Partner laboratory : DDL
- 05 NOVLucia Shimbo - The impact of financialisation on the professionals of urban management and development. Perspectives from Lyon
Lucia Shimbo | University of São Paulo | Urban studies | Partner laboratories : EVS and IMU
- 15 OCTPenka Stateva - Re-thinking natural language quantifiers : a novel view integrating formal semantics, pragmatics and psychometrics
Penka Stateva | University of Nova Gorica | Linguistic | Partner laboratory : institut des sciences cognitives
- 08 OCTFlorence Paulhiac - France-Canada perspectives on vulnerable mobility in transit-oriented development and eco-districts
Florence Paulhiac | University of Québec in Montréal | Urban studies | Partner laboratory : LAET
- 01 OCTLindsey Dodd - Remembering Wartime Childhoods, France 1939-45
Photo credits : Des enfants évacués arrivent à Guéret depuis Boulogne-Billancourt, avril 1943. Courtoisie des archives départementales de la Creuse (987 W 110)
- 24 SEPThaer Yartah - Tell 'Abr 3, Social space and symbolic space of a village between 11500 and 10700 years ago
Thaer Yartah | Archéology | Partner laboratory : Archéorient